Author services

Are you an unpublished author looking for support and guidance on beta reading and submitting to literary agents? I can help!

I’m an agented but as-yet-unpublished author currently working on my second novel. I began writing my first book in 2020 to escape my parenting-in-a-pandemic-induced anxiety and inspired by my love of cheesy Christmas movies. What followed was an unexpected whirlwind, as I wrote and edited the novel within a year, and signed with my agent a couple of weeks after sending out my first submissions in 2021.

The road to potential publication is still long, unpredictable and uncertain. But I’m so proud of myself for getting this far. Trust me: if I can get to this point, so can you. And I’m determined to support others to pursue their creative writing goals.

Here are the services I’m currently able to provide:

Beta reading services

  • I can provide detailed guidance on how to get the most out of the beta reading process - includes a 30-minute video call and an email template to send to your readers. £50.

  • Add on a beta read of your entire novel (up to 90,000 words) for £250. I will consider longer manuscripts for an additional cost. Please note I’m not the best reader for horror or fantasy.

  • For those on smaller budgets, I can beta read your opening three chapters (up to 10,000 words) for £50.

All beta reads include a thoughtful but thorough analysis of your work from the perspective of a seasoned reader. Here’s an example of one of my beta reading reports.

Please note that, while my reports are comprehensive with suggested action points, this is not an editing service. I always advise that your novel should have already been edited at least once before beta reading begins.

Beta reading testimonials

“Hayley was a brilliant beta reader for my first novel. She provided both encouraging praise and super helpful constructive feedback with clear action points on how I might polish the manuscript. She was reliable and prompt. I am grateful to her for taking precious time with something I care deeply about: my words.” Katie Huttlestone

Agent submission services

  • I can provide personalised advice on submitting your manuscript to literary agents. This includes a review of your submission package including your cover letter, opening three chapters (up to 10,000 words) and your synopsis. I’ll annotate your documents and organise a 30-minute video call to summarise my findings. £150.

  • Add on a submission spreadsheet template - to help you plan, monitor and track your submissions without losing your mind - for an extra £20.

Free services for underrepresented writers

If you're from an underrepresented group in publishing (including, but not limited to, writers of colour, disabled writers, writers from low-income backgrounds and LGBTQ+ writers), please contact me to discuss how I might be able to support you free of charge.