A black and white image of Hayley stood in front of a tree.

About me

By day I’m a creative copywriter working with brands and businesses that work for the world, not against it.

By night, once my kids are in bed, I’m an emerging author writing subversive rom-coms.

One way or another, I’ve always worked with words. As a copywriter, storyteller, spokesperson and speechwriter, I’ve supported organisations to develop their brands, protect their reputations and connect people to their causes for over 15 years.

Above everything – and always motivated by my desire to use words to drive change – I love telling stories that make a difference. And, to do so most authentically, I rely on my brain and my human ideas and experiences alone, without Generative AI.

Privilege statement

I’m White, straight, cisgender (she / her) and financially-secure. I’m happily neurocomplex.

If you have any feedback about my writing, or see something that I could be doing better, please let me know.